November 19, 2010

weekly gems

one of my favorite pictures of the boyfriend & me

Yayyyy I'm SO EXCITED it's the weekend! It's been a very long week with homework, work, and teaching. This weekend the boyfriend, dog & I are going to go to the boyfriend's hometown! We're going to spend time with his family, see HARRY POTTER (!!), go out to eat, and generally have a fun, relaxing time. With some homework tucked in, of course. What are you all doing this weekend?

And now...weekly gems!
What are some of your finds from around the web this week?


meg fee said...

your weekend sounds like perfection!! enjoy, enjoy!

and the fact about your weight varying i learned from my very good dr. who specializes in eating and weight disorders

Poppies and Sunshine said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend!! I am so ready for Christmas too! :)

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