Source: via Kelly on Pinterest
March 27, 2012
BIG news!!!
March 22, 2012
watch it: 21 jump street
March 17, 2012
weekly gems
Source: via Kelly on Pinterest
- Recipes I want to try: Sally's rum french toast with maple syrup rum, cinnamon biscuits, avocado apple and arugula salad, banana birthday cake, Lucky Charms treats, all of these recipes with blood oranges
- Great article on the new buildings on campus at my alma mater, BGSU, and what it means for the state of Ohio.
- Awesome apps for book lovers.
- Interesting post about Irish wedding traditions.
- I might need to try some of these Hunger Games-inspired nail polishes.
- Happy 100th Birthday to the Girl Scouts of America! (well, it was Monday. But still!)
- I'm in love with this series on Carrots 'n' Cake called Blog Dogs. Similarly, tips for photographing your pet!
- The best 35 cameos in movie history.
- Encyclopaedia Britanica is no longer releasing print books.
- The ten funniest comedic lady tweets of the week.
- I'll definitely be checking out this jewelry company, 31 bits, that works with women in Northern Uganda.
- Interesting article on earning money through blogging.
- I definitely want to try out some of these trainer-favorited abs exercises, as well as these leg and arms workouts!
- Favorite Hello Giggles posts of the week: 1, 2, 3, 4
- Favorite weddings of the week: 1, 2, 3
March 13, 2012
LOL: bugsy and malone
March 12, 2012
a letter to those who are hurting
March 11, 2012
weekly gems
Source: via Kelly on Pinterest
- Recipes I want to try: peanut butter ice cream sandwiches, chocolate stout cupcakes with Bailey's Irish cream cheese frosting, toasted sesame ginger salmon, broccoli asparagus pizza, and mini cheddar popovers
- Seven of the laughably worst celebrity tweets.
- Inspired by this interesting post by Jess about intentions vs. goals.
- This past week saw International Women's Day, and Marie Clarie shared these images of female refugees.
- Gorgeous paintings by Eva Gonzalès.
- Mint is clearly a star color this spring, as seen here and here (I'm on board too - just bought myself Revlon's "Minted" polish)!
- Ashley's six relationship ideas are great guidance for young couples.
- I was very inspired by Laura's post about loving yourself, flaws and all.
- This French manicure is so fun!
- This awesome post by Joanna about being too busy is a must-read.
- How to build a cheese board - can't wait to try making one!
- Loved this interview with Angie of Bakerella.
- I adore both the acting and the style of Rachel McAdams.
- 12 images and quotes to inspire your fitness goals.
March 10, 2012
use it: cool stuff round-up
Source: via Kelly on Pinterest
Source: via Kelly on Pinterest
Source: via Kelly on Pinterest
Source: via Kelly on Pinterest
Source: via Kelly on Pinterest
Source: via Kelly on Pinterest
Source: via Kelly on Pinterest
March 8, 2012
recent loves
Source: via Kelly on Pinterest
Source: via Kelly on Pinterest
Source: via Kelly on Pinterest
Source: via Kelly on Pinterest
Source: via Kelly on Pinterest
Source: Uploaded by user via Kelly on Pinterest
March 7, 2012
my life: meet josie
March 6, 2012
new year's all year 2012: february reflections and march goals
Source: via Kelly on Pinterest
- Health: track food daily; do yoga at least once a week
- Finances: save specific percentage of each paycheck; open separate wedding fund account
- Relationships: cook dinner for Grandma; plan presents and cards for birthdays in March
- Wedding: set a date for engagement photos; research vendors
- Career: sub 3-4 times a week; reflect on swim season and start prepping for swim team award night
- Self-enrichment: Cook and bake more
- Health: get enough sleep; stay hydrated
- Finances: keep saving money
- Relationships: complete as many little acts of kindness as possible - like cooking dinner for my grandma, for instance ; )
- Wedding: continue researching and meeting with vendors and start booking them
- Career: read more articles and books related to my content area (social studies)
- Self-enrichment: volunteer - hopefully at the local animal shelter
March 4, 2012
weekly gems
Source: via Kelly on Pinterest
- Recipes I want to try: chocolate caramel brownies or brownie squares, bacon cheddar scones, browned butter blueberry muffins, and bacon arugula pizza
- I love the idea of a pancake bar for any party!
- In honor of her birthday this past week, here are some rare and unpublished photos of Elizabeth Taylor.
- The photo diary of Uggie, the canine star of The Artist (and Water for Elephants!), is so cute!
- Do you watch Parks and Recreation? Its newest star is another canine actor - a three legged pit bull named Lucy. Also, check out this playlist inspired by the characters of Leslie and Ben.
- Great tips on how to style an entryway.
- Pumped up for Mackenzie's Design Darling Boutique!!
- I'm also loving these these Hello Giggles posts: 1 & 2
- The peplum is in right now, and I'm surprised to say I'm liking it.
- The best articles about this year's Oscars: best quotes of the evening & an interview with Christopher Plummer
March 1, 2012
my life: happy birthday daniel

- 1692: The Salem Witch Hunt began
- 1781: Articles of Confederation were ratified
- 1790: Congress authorized the first U.S. Census
- 1803: Ohio became the 17th U.S. state (History of Ohio was the first class Dan and I took together!)
- 1845: U.S. President Tyler signed the congressional resolution to annex the Republic of Texas
- 1867: Nebraska became the 37th U.S. state
- 1869: Postage stamps with scenes were issued for the first time
- 1872: Yellowstone National Park was established and became the world's first national park
- 1917: The Zimmerman Note was published in the U.S. (WWI is Dan's favorite topic to research and teach about!)
- 1928: Paul Whitman and his orchestra recorded "Ol' Man River"
- 1936: Hoover Dam completed and turned over to U.S. government
- 1941: FM radio began in Nashville, TN
- 1949: Joe Louis retired
- 1961: Kennedy established the Peach Corps
- 1966: Soviet probe crashed into Venus, becoming the first unmanned spacecraft to land on another planet (Dan loves to learn more about space and the world's space programs!)
- 1968: Johnny Cash and June Carter were married; Elton John's first single was released in England
- 1969: Mickey Mantle retired (Dan proposed to me by writing "Will You Marry Me?" on a baseball we played catch with!)
- 1974: Queen began their first headlining tour in England
- 1987: The Boston Celtics defeated the Detroit Pistons for the 2,235th win (Dan is a big basketball fan!)
- 1995: Yahoo! was incorporated
- 2002: Announced there is a possibility of water on the planet Mars
- 2005: Honda unveiled its new Civic (which is the type of car Dan drives!)
- 2008: The naming of the U.S.S. New York occurred