February 22, 2012

design dreams: red, black, and turquoise

I saw these plates at Target a few weeks ago and thought, "How nice! Cute and affordable plates decked out in chevron!" Dan got me for our three year anniversary last week, and I realized the other reason I adore them: the colors. Ever since that realization, I can't stop thinking about using red, black, and turquoise together someday in my future apartment or home. I would love to use paint colors like these...

...to put my own style on rooms like these.

This room by Roberts Erickson Design is gorgeous! It's a bit more luxe than I can see actually being in my house, but boy does it provide some inspiration.

What would be more my style, and just as eye-pleasing, is the above bedroom makeover by Angry Julie Monday: bright, bold, and modern, yet also comfy and relaxing.

What do you think about this color combo? Which bedroom would you prefer to have?

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